Protection Trinity Conjure

Protection Trinity Conjure


Trinity Custom ($40.00)


This Trinity custom conjure is tailor made for you! I will personally seek out three protective beings that work well together to ensure your safety. These beings can range from White Arts to Black Arts, depending on how fierce you want your team to be. Their main task from the moment they are pulled through will be your protection, any other activity falls off radar whenever they feel as if you are in danger. That's not to say the beings conjured through this listing wouldn't be interested in doing other things, however; it wouldn't be their main focus.

Please remember to leave your:
Full name
Date of Birth
Type of beings preferred if you have one
Gender of beings if you prefer
Any other traits or characteristics you'd like for your protection beings to have.

This listing is for a direct or distance binding to you or a vessel you own. This listing does not have a physical vessel and nothing will be shipped out to you. You will receive an e-mail when your order is complete.

There are no refunds to spiritual/entity based listings.



  • Trinity Custom ($40.00)