Astrology Birthday Chart Conjure

Astrology Birthday Chart Conjure




These conjures use your astrology chart of the day, time and location of your birth to conjure a special being just for you. Much like a reverse adoption, there isn't much to know about which being may come through, however; you can specify if you prefer a certain Arts and gender.
Also, if you don't know the exact time of your birth, that's alright. I can still work up your chart with your date of birth and location. I cross reference all charts with several different trusted astrology sites to make sure that they are accurate and no mistakes have been made.

Please remember to leave the following in the notes when purchasing this listing
Full name:
Date of Birth:
Location of Birth:
Time of Birth (if known):

This listing is for a direct or distance binding to you or a vessel in your possession. There is no physical item to be shipped out with this listing. When your order is complete you will receive an e-mail with the full details of your companion.

Due to the nature of these conjures and beings, refunds are not given. If you have a problem with any being conjured from me, please send me a message via my email and I will try my best to resolve the issue.
[email protected]



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